Why do hundreds of mountaineers risk life and limb to touch the top of the world every year?

Author’s note: I wrote this story on the challenges of climbing Mount Everest for the The Hindustan Times’ Sunday magazine, Brunch, in 2009. I was reminded of it when I read news reports that at least 10 people have died on Everest in the 2019 climbing season. Since HT doesn’t seem to have a copy of this piece online, … More Why do hundreds of mountaineers risk life and limb to touch the top of the world every year?

A double-decker root bridge and life’s lessons

I can’t explain why I was determined to see the double-decker living root bridge in Sohra*, possibly the only one of its kind in the world. After all, my cousins had already taken me to see a living root bridge near Riwai village adjoining the tourist hotspot of Mawlynnong, marketed as Asia’s cleanest village. That … More A double-decker root bridge and life’s lessons

The Thlen: The Voldemort of the Khasi belief system

Khasis have a rich repertoire of myths and legends of which I know next to nothing. This ignorance is entirely my loss. However, there is one name I’m acquainted with – that of the ‘Thlen.’ I first heard this word from my mei-ieit (maternal grandmother in Khasi). If I remember correctly, mei-ieit didn’t like talking about … More The Thlen: The Voldemort of the Khasi belief system

At ground Ziro

I couldn’t take a photograph of the scene before me. After all, moonlight is an elusive creature — not easily captured. This was just as well because it meant I could give the beauty of the night my undivided attention. We had just emerged from a cluster of pine trees that stood sentinel-like behind us as … More At ground Ziro

Loo and behold

I achieved loo nirvana three years ago in Tibet. This simply means that I have been released from the burden of expecting and worrying about finding clean loos when I travel. To put it simply: I have been to loo hell and back. After that, everything else is an improvement. I am therefore free of … More Loo and behold